Welcome to Our Children and Families Ministry
St. Mark’s is committed to providing quality Christian education programs for our children.
Sunday School
Preschool – Fifth Grade, 10 a.m.
St. Mark’s is committed to providing quality Christian education programs for our children. Classes for preschool and elementary school ages take place at 10 a.m. each Sunday. Your child will be well cared for, loved and taught about God’s goodness and grace. A completed Sunday School registration form must be on file for each child.

Nursery/Child Care
Infant & Toddler Care: Rooms 15/16
Infant and toddler care is available throughout Sunday mornings. Our child care workers are CPR-certified. Young children are also welcome in worship, and an infant hospitality room is connected to the Sanctuary through a door on the north wall (near the organ). It can be used for changing, feeding or comforting our youngest participants.

A Ministry for Students in 4th-7th Grade
Being a kid is tough. There is a lot going on! We have formed an awesome new group, United, that will meet periodically for some super fun events, designed especially for students in 4th-7th grades. Bring a friend and be ready for some crazy fun times. Watch the youth page for details about events throughout the year.
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.